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Sunday, July 22, 2007

Element Definition

Element are the Building Blocks for both HR Analysis and for the Payroll Processing

Elements can be used define Salary, Benefits, Absence from Work etc..

Here is the brief description of creating element in general.

Before we start building a new element we need to identify
  • Whether the element is a recurring or nor recurring
  • Whether we need to process it in the payroll
  • Whether it is deduction or earning or information or non taxable or non payroll payment etc..
  • What are the input and the output expected from the element
  • Whether we need to build any formula for processing an element
  • Whether the element is to be linked to all employees or is there any eligibility criteria that has to be set.
  • What is the currency that is going to be used for processing
  • Whether we need to cost the element.
  • Whether the element is taxable or non-taxable

Once we are able to identity the type of element from the above list of criteria.

List of steps for creating the element

  1. Select the Effective date
  2. Enter the Element Name
  3. Enter the reporting name- The name which will be displayed i the SOE (Optional)
  4. Enter the Brief description about the element
  5. Select the classification of the Element form the LOV-this classification may vary from Legislation to legislation
  6. Select whether the element is Recurring or non Recurring
  7. Based on the termination Rule that you want to set for your element, choose the option Actual Termination, Final close or Last Standard process
  8. Choose Multiple entries for the Non Recurring element Additional Entries if needed from the recurring element, Process in Run for the element that need to be process through payroll.
  9. choose the option closed for entry if want to prevent any new entry for this element, this does not affect the entries which are previously defined.
  10. Select the Currency Input and Output if not using the default currency defined in the BG
  11. Select the Tax With holding rule from the Further Information DFF.
  12. Priority of element processing will be defaulted based on the classification selected
  13. Skip Rule can be selected based on the requirement.
  14. Save the Element definition
  15. Enter the Input Value, Select the Input Value type based on the element e.g Date, Number, money or Time
  16. Select the Option Database Item if we plan to use the Input value in the Fast formula for any processing
  17. Enter the Default Value for the Input Value if needed
  18. Save the Input Value Definition
  19. Select the Balance Feed if we need to feed any Balance in addition to the Default balance created

Defining Element Link

Once we define the element, We need to Link the Element before we can able to use the element for any assignment

  1. Set the Effective date
  2. Select the element from the element link Form
  3. Select the Standard Link if the element need to be attached to all the assignment
  4. Select the Eligibility criteria based on Job, Position, Grade, salary Basis, Payroll , Group, position and Location
  5. Select the costing if the element need to be costed and transferred to GL
  6. Select the qualification condition based on Age and the Length of Service
  7. Save the work

Attach the element to the assignment

Enjoi HRMS implementation :)