As an employee it is always good to know how much vacation balance an employee is left with
Here is a simple setup that can enable your employee to view the available balance through the Self Service absence Management
Step 1: Define the Absence element
Step 2: Link the Element based on the Eligibilty Criteria
Step 3: Define the Absence Type
Step 4: Define the Accrual Plan
Step 5: Attach the Accrual Plan to the Employee
Step 6: Complete the setup for the Self Service HR
Step 7: Make sure employee is able access the absence Management Functionality
Setup steps to enable the Entitlement Balance in the Absence Management
Step 1: Create an Element set with the type as ‘Run Set’
Step 2: Attach the element set to the Profile option HR: Accrual Plan Element Set Displayed to User at the Responsibility level (Employee Self Service)
Step 3: Bounce the Appache
Now Navigate to the Employee Self Service > Absence Management > (T) Entitlement Balance
Try this out