- Job Flexfield
- Position flexfield
- Grade Flexfield
- People Group
- Cost Allocation
- Competence Flexfield
- Personal Analysis Flexfield
- Soft Coded KeyFlexfield
- People Group Flexfield
- Cost Allocation Flexfield
- Bank Details KeyFlexField
Cost allocation Flexfield is used to accumulate the employee costing information, if we use Oracle Payroll we can accumulate the cost associated with the payroll and transfer to GL and if we are not using Oracle Payroll we can able to interface the costing information to the third Party Payroll system
Few important points which should be taken care before creating the Cost allocation flexfield.
- If we are planning to integrate with the GL, then the number segment in the cost allocation flexfield should be same or more than the accounting flexfield.
- We should atleast have one segment for the cost allocation flexfield otherwise will run into error when defining payroll or in other form which is having this flexfield
Cost Allocation flexfiled makes use of qualifiers, we can use the segment qualifiers to control the level at which the costing information can be entered in the system.the various level at which we can cost are
- Element entry
- Assignment
- Organization
- Element Link
- Payroll
If the element is not costed at any level then the final costing information will get accumulated in the suspense account which is defined in the payroll form.
Use the GL Map window to map the cost allocation flexfield with the GL Accounting flexfield, we should map each cost allocation segment with the GL Segment for each Payroll. for the addition segment in the cost allocation flexfield should be mapped to 'Null'
Following are the process that you need to run for transferring the costing information from Oracle to Payroll
- Costing process
- Costing of Payment
- Transfer to GL
Try it out!!!