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Monday, August 20, 2007

Payroll Processing

Before we start the Payroll Run. We need to assign the necessary element for the employee

For the normal payroll run we will include all the elements and process all the assignment
But under certain circumstance we may need

  • Include or exclude certain element or assignment
  • Include or exclude certain group of assignment
  • Include or Exclude certain classification of element

For the above conditions we may need to create an Assignment set or an Element set

Creating Assignment Set

Example for the use of assignment set is. We need to process the payroll for the night shift employees before the day shift employees as they need to receive the Pay advice the night before the rest
For complete details of setting up the Assignment set please refer the blog

Creating Element Set

  • Enter the Element Set name
  • Choose the classification as ‘Run Set’
  • Save the work
  • Select the Include button and add the required element to the set

The Payroll Process

  • Quick Pay
  • Payroll run

Quick Pay

Follow the link for the Quick Pay in Detail

Follow the steps to run the Payroll Process
1) Payroll Process
Parameters: Payroll Name
Consolidation Set
Element Set
Assignment Set
Date Earned
Date Paid
Run type
2) PrePayments
Parameter: Payroll Name
Consolidation set
Start Date
End Date

3) Run the check writer Process (Enabled for few legislation)
4) Run the Direct Deposit Process
5) Payslip Archive Process

If the costing is enabled then
6) Run the costing Process
7) Costing of Payments (if you want to cost at the payment method level)
8) Transfer to GL

From the GL side, import the Journal Entry

Try it out!!!