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Monday, September 3, 2007

Quick Pay Process

  • For processing the payroll for a single employee we can use Quick pay
  • For employee who is leaving and for whom we need to pay by check or cash
  • When an employee is joined after the payroll run has been completed for the period we can use Quick pay to process only for this particular employee instead of completely rollback the Payroll Process and starting it again.

Follow the process to run the Quick Pay(N) Assignment > (B) Others > Quick Pay

  • Set the effective Date for the Quick pay
  • Date Paid and Date Earned will be defaulted to the effective date
  • Select the consolidation set
  • Select the Run Types (it varies from Legislation to Legislation)
  • Save the Quick Pay Definition
  • Submit the quick pay by pressing the start Run Button.
  • Status should be changed from un-processed to Complete.
  • If any errors fix the error and press the retry button
  • Once the Quick Pay run is completed we need to process the PrePayment
  • We can run the Prepayment from the Quick Pay window by just clicking the button start PrePayment Or combine it in the Batch PrePayments processing for the assignment’s Payroll (this can be used when a new employee is joined after the payroll run is completed so we can run the quick pay separately for this employee and combine it with the batch or the prepayment.)

Try it out!!!