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Saturday, September 29, 2007

Balance Adjustment

When we process the payroll, there are times that the users might have deducted excess tax or other deduction, So we might need to correct the Balances for the correct YTD and the for year end reporting

There are two methods of doing it.
By defining an Balance Adjustment Element or if we know the exact amount to be corrected then we can able to adjust using the Adjust Balance Form. The latter one is very simple and it is an easy option to adjust the balance

Follow the below steps to adjust the balance using the Adjust Balance form, if we know the exact amount to be adjusted

Fast Path > Adjust Balance > Select the Assignment for which we need to adjust the balance
Set the Effective date
  • Select the element who's pay or the Input Value need to be adjusted
  • Select the Consolidation set to control the further Post-run Processing
  • Check the costing Check box if you need the balance adjustment to be costed
  • Save the work

Try this out!!!