After running the payroll and if post run processing has already occured we cannot correct the payroll by Retry, even in case of roll back we need to roll back the complete Payroll for correcting an entry for one or two assignment.
In these cases we can use Payroll Reversal. In short Payroll Reversal helps to correct the run result for an single assignment
To Reverse the Payroll run for an assignemnt
(R) US HRMS Manager
(N) Fast Path > Reverse Payroll Run
Select the Assignment that you need to reverse from the LOV, Tick the Reverse Check Box for the Payroll that we need to reverse and save the work. Consolidation set for the run will be automatically displayed for the Reversal
Now the Run Result is been reversed to the Value before the payroll Run. Now you can modify the Entry and start processing your payroll again.
Try this out!!!