- Retry
- Reverse
- Rollback
In this blog i am trying to explain how to rollback a Payroll process.
What Rollback does?
In simple word to explain Rollback process reset the Run Result and the Latest balance back to the value before running the Payroll Process.
Rollback process has to be run in the same reverse sequence of the Payroll Run. for eg. for processing the payroll, we run the following process in sequence Payroll run, Prepayment, costing, Transfer to GL. Similarly for the Rollback we need to run in the reverse sequence Rollback Transfer to GL, Rollback Costing, Rollback Prepayment, Rollback Payroll Run.
Note: if the costing details are imported into GL then we cannot rollback the process.So it is always advisable to run the Transfer to GL process after all validation and checking are done and run this process when we feel no more modification are needed
List of Process type that can be rolled back in PF K RUP1
- Advance Pay Element
- Balance Adjustment
- Bank or Post office Payment
- Batch element entry
- cheque writer
- Costing
- Costing of Payment
- Estimate costing
- ext/Manual Payment
- Magnetic report
- Magnetic Transfer
- Pre-Payments
- Purge
- QuickPay Pre-Payment
- Quick Pay run
- Report Generator
- Retro Costing
- Retro Pay
- Retro Pay by Action
- Retro Pay by element
- Reversal
- Run
- Transfer to GL
- Void Payment