We can retry a single assignment, set of assignment, or Mark a large payroll Process for Retry
To retry Single assignment
- It can be done in the quick Pay form by clicking the Retry Button, this is the convenient method for retying if we have very few employees to be corrected
To retry for small number of process
- In the Payroll Process window, Query the process based on the payroll and the Action type, Mark the process for retry by checking the Retry check box
- This effectively marks all the assignment attached to the process
To Mark a Large Payroll Process for Retry
- If we need to retry the payroll, run the Process 'Mark Payroll Run for Retry' this has two parameters Payroll run and the Assignment Set
- If any post run process has occurred then we need to rollback the Post Run Process and then mark the process for retry
- Any assignments having a status of Error after a payroll run, those assignments are automatically retried when you run the payroll again